Alyson Pond Total Home Sales 2019
Alyson Pond is a subdivision in North Raleigh. It has a reputation as a very nice quiet community. The people enjoy both the quality of the peaceful setting and the homes.
In 2019, 7 homes sold in Alyson Pond. The homes sold in Alyson Pond had an average sales price of $330,643 with an average price per square foot of $134.82. It took, on average, 43 days to sell a home in Alyson Pond during 2019.
Alyson Pond homes got an average of 100% of the asking price in 2019.
Alyson Pond Homes Sold in 2019
Address |
List Price |
Sale Price |
Beds |
Baths |
Living Area |
Sold Date |
2513 Sugar Maple Court |
$315,000 |
$325,000 |
3 |
2.5 |
2,184 |
3 |
4/15/2019 |
2808 Funster Lane |
$315,000 |
$315,000 |
3 |
2.5 |
2,083 |
12 |
5/8/2019 |
2517 Sugar Maple Court |
$315,000 |
$315,000 |
4 |
2.5 |
2,179 |
4 |
5/31/2019 |
2616 Iman Drive |
$359,000 |
$364,000 |
4 |
2.5 |
3,106 |
2 |
7/2/2019 |
2620 Iman Drive |
$335,000 |
$322,000 |
4 |
2.5 |
3,053 |
200 |
8/1/2019 |
8304 Honey Berry Court |
$299,000 |
$308,500 |
3 |
2.5 |
1,959 |
57 |
9/12/2019 |
8509 Wheeling Drive |
$369,900 |
$365,000 |
4 |
2.5 |
3,067 |
79 |
10/17/2019 |
Average |
$329,700 |
$330,643 |
3 |
2.5 |
2,518 |
43 |
If you are a numbers person and would like to compare the homes sold in Alyson Pond this year to those sold last year - click here:
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