Harrington Grove Home Sales 2020
Harrington Grove is a large North Raleigh subdivision that is very popular because of its location and its affordability.
Harrington Grove homes were built starting around 1987 and continued up, in the newer section, through 2001.
A home in Harrington Grove can be just about any size you're looking for. There are homes starting 1300 square feet going up to larger homes that top out around 3400 square feet.
In 2020 there were 94 homes sold in Harrington Grove. The average sales price was $346,442 with an average price per square foot of $171.12. It took, on average, 7 days to sell a home in Harrington Grove 2020.
In 2020, homes sold in Harrington Grove got, on average, 101% of the asking price.
If you are moving to Raleigh and looking for affordable homes in Raleigh, Harrington Grove is a good place to look.
Harrington Grove Homes Sold 2020
Year: 2020 |
List Price |
Sale Price |
Beds |
Baths |
Home s.f.* |
DOM* |
Sold Date |
Average |
$341,672 |
$346,442 |
3 |
2.5 |
2,060 |
7 |
* s.f = square feet
* DOM = Days On Market
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