Inside the Beltline Descriptions, Pictures, Map & Homes for Sale
The area now called "Inside The Beltline" (IBL) was once called Old Raleigh. When the beltline (I-440) around Raleigh was finished in the 1980s the term "Inside The Beltline" was born.
The I-440 circular highway became the defacto demarcation line between "old" Raleigh and "new" Raleigh.
Since then, however, the line between old and new has blurred with the resurgence of downtown Raleigh becoming a sizzling hot place to be.
Inside the Beltline has had an aura of "old money" attached to it for many years. The term typically refers to the older and wealthier areas and neighborhoods that seek to maintain the charm of elegance and history.
Because of location, historic significance, and amenities, Inside The Beltline Homes can be more pricey than comparable homes in other parts of Raleigh.
Living Inside the Beltline has a strong, unique appeal. The area offers many core neighborhoods, each with a distinct historical identity along with a very eclectic mixture of homes.
There are incredible historic homes and older bungalows or elegant luxury homes with historic designs. These are close-knit neighborhoods where people walk along and chat with neighbors. People know each other here.
People love living Inside the Beltline. They can walk to restaurants, coffee shop, grocery stores, boutiques, antique stores, parks, entertainment and on and on. It is the heart of Raleigh.
Downtown Raleigh, near the arts district, is developing a more urban hip lifestyle with a plethora of condos and new restaurants to answer that call.
Inside the Beltline is like no other section of Raleigh. It has its own distinct aura and its own distinct Real Estate market.
People who choose to live inside the beltline do so for the unique lifestyle it offers as well as for the homes.
If you have questions about any Inside the Beltline homes or any North Raleigh Homes
Email Us or Call Us Today at 919-280-2726
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