Inside the Beltline Subdivisions By Price Descriptions, Pictures, Map & Homes for Sale
The area in Raleigh called "Inside The Beltline" refers to the part of the city that is located within the I-440 loop. This includes the Raleigh downtown business district, the Capital District plus all the subdivisions outward from city center to the beltline loop.
"Inside the Beltline" typically refers to the older and wealthier or historic areas and neighborhoods that seek to maintain the charm of elegance and history.
Living Inside the Beltline has a strong, unique appeal. It offers many core neighborhoods, each with a distinct historical identity along with a very eclectic mixture of homes.
Prices for subdivisions farthest from downtown Raleigh are usually fairly similar within a subdivision. The prices for these Raleigh homes fall in a pretty easily definable range.
However, prices for homes in the older and more historic subdivisions close to the city center are somewhat more difficult to categorize. Much of the pricing for these homes depends on the historic significance of the subdivision or the home itself. It is also reflective of the level of restoration the home has undergone.
Due to the wide range of factors that go into pricing homes close to downtown Raleigh you can often find million dollar homes in the same neighborhood with $300,000 homes. Because of this we put in the category, Subdivisions with $ Million Plus Homes. Now you see, sort of in a loose way, where they are placed throughout the subdivisions
You might also like to visit our Inside the Beltline Raleigh Subdivisions by Type and Age page.
If you have questions about any Inside the Beltline homes or any Raleigh Homes for sale
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