Mordecai Place Inside the Beltline Raleigh Description, Pictures, Map & Homes for Sale
Mordecai Place is an Inside the Beltline Raleigh subdivision that was developed from the 1920s through 1950s.
Mordecai Place, like Raleigh's other early twentieth-century subdivisions, was built on land that had been part of an antebellum plantation. Mordecai is the oldest neighborhood in Raleigh and gets its name from the plantation which once stood there.
People who look for Raleigh homes for sale Inside the Beltline - know period homes and love them. Mordecai Place is fantastic for period homes because it has the most architecturally varied homes of Raleigh's early-twentieth-century suburbs.
Some of the home styles you can see in Mordecai Place are Colonial Revival houses and Craftsman bungalows as well as the romantic revival styles like Tudor Revival, Dutch Colonial Revival, Spanish Mission Revival, and Italian Renaissance Revival.
Mordecai was developed in the years after the First World War and the streets are named for the kinds of trees found in Mordecai and the surrounding area. Streets names like Poplar, Cedar, Chestnut, and Sycamore bring back that sound and feel of yesteryear.
Today, these homes Inside the Beltline Raleigh retain the character of a 1920s. The old house character has been honored along with fantastic updating and up scaling inside.
Total renovation is common in Mordecai and inside, homes are modern day sleek, cool and very stylish. You'll find quintessential charm and character combined with modern day flare!
If you love character, if you love charm, if you love period homes - you will love Mordecai Place!
Other Inside the Beltline subdivisions include Historic Oakwood is to the South, and Hayes Barton and Five Points are over to the Northwest.
Driving Directions: From I-440 Take the US-401 S/Captial Blvd exit; Merge onto US-401 S/Capital Blvd; Take the Atlantic Ave exit then Merge onto Old Louisburg Rd. Turn left onto Wake Forest Rd, Take the 1st right onto Courtland Dr into Mordecai Place.
View Mordecai Place, Raleigh, NC in a larger map
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