Raleigh Subdivisions Descriptions, Pictures, Map & Homes for Sale
The Raleigh Multiple Listing Service (MLS) has divided Raleigh up into several different "MLS Areas" The map at the bottom of the page will give you a good visual of where these different areas are located.
Each Raleigh MLS Area is further broken down by Subdivisions. Raleigh Subdivisions vary from one area to another, each having its own characteristics and different location features.
North Raleigh (MLS Area 7) subdivisions and Midtown Raleigh (MLS Area 2) subdivisions are more traditional type subdivisions, well planned out and laid out in a familiar pattern.
Inside the Beltline Raleigh (MLS Area 1) subdivisions tend to be a little more rambling and wandering, often with the little streets winding around throughout the subdivision, often following the terrain.
Southwest Raleigh (MLS Area 4) and Northeast (MLS Area 8) subdivisions tend to be a bit more rural in nature.
Below you will find Raleigh Subdivision Descriptions and pictures of homes for sale in each of the different MLS Areas.
We also list Raleigh Luxury subdivisions, Raleigh Gated subdivisions, Raleigh Golf Subdivisions, Raleigh subdivisions with pools, Raleigh Historic Subdivisions, and Raleigh subdivisions that are outside the city limits and therefore have a lower Raleigh property tax rate.
If you have questions about any Raleigh Subdivision or any North Raleigh Homes for Sale
Email Us or Call Us Today at 919-624-6726
Raleigh MLS Areas
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Content by Erin Bohner
North Raleigh Homes -
Midtown Homes -
Inside The Beltline Homes -
Raleigh Luxury Homes -
Wake Forest Homes -
Cary Homes -
Raleigh Subdivisions
Raleigh Luxury Subdivisions -
North Raleigh Subdivisions -
Midtown Raleigh Subdivisions -
Inside The Beltline Subdivisions
Raleigh Golf Homes -
Bedford at Falls River -
Barton's Creek -
Falls River -
Long Lake -
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