Raleigh Utilities
Raleigh Utilities Connections are important to arrange early so as to have everything in place when you walk into your new Raleigh home. If you're buying a home in Raleigh it's important to arrange for all your utilities to be connected as of the day of closing. Raleigh utilities contact information for all utility services is provided below.
All of these Raleigh utilities can arrange to have their service transferred to you with a quick phone call. Just let them know you are purchasing a home here and you would like the service transferred to you on such and such a date. They are used to this and will quickly guide you through the connection of service process.
You should call them at least a week before you're scheduled closing date to make sure they have time to make the switch.
Of course, we do have a complete concierge service that can arrange setting up all the Raleigh utility services for you - just more thing off your "To Do" list. Our concierge service will set everything up for you free of charge. We will be happy to arrange that for you.
Water & Sewage
To start utility service in Raleigh, a utility service application must be completed. New water/sewer accounts will need to pay a $50.00 connection fee. This connection fee will be added to your first utility bill.
Contact City of Raleigh for service.
Phone Contact: 919-890-3245.
Garbage Collection/Recycling
Phone Contact: 919-831-6890
The city requires you use the roller carts and recycle bins they give you. No need to buy garbage cans.
Phone Contact: 919-831-6522.
If your new Raleigh home is outside the city limits there are different service providers depending on the area of you live:
North Raleigh
Waste Management (919) 835-1701
Waste Industries (919) 325-3000
South Raleigh
ABC Sanitation - 919-662-2988
PSNC/Public Gas
Contact PSNC for service.
Phone Contact: 877-776-2427
Community Water
Contact Aqua America for service.
Phone Contact: 919-467-7854
Electric Company
For electric services the company that services the home depends on the address. Your Realtor will know which company services your new Raleigh home - or feel free to contact us and we'll get you that information.
Contact Progress Energy for service.
Phone Contact: 1-(800) 452-2777
Contact Duke Energy for service.
Phone Contact: 800-777-9898
Telephone Company
Contact AT&T for service.
Phone Contact: 866-582-7205
Time Warner Cable
Contact Time Warner for service.
Phone Contact: 919-595-4892
If you have questions about moving to Raleigh or any North Raleigh Homes
Email Us or Call Us Today at 919-280-2726
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