Wake County North Carolina Facts and Raleigh Facts
If you live in Raleigh or its surrounding area it's always fun to just look at quick facts about the area. If you are moving to North Carolina, or moving to Raleigh specifically, here are just a few quick facts at a glance.
Wake County & Raleigh
Wake County is 549,000 acres, or 860 sq. miles. It measures, from east to west, around 46 miles. Measuring from north to south, it's around 39 miles.
Wake County includes Raleigh and 11 other Wake County cities. This is usually referred to as Greater Raleigh or the Raleigh area.
The highest point in Wake County is a quarter of a mile north of the city of Leesville. That high point is about 540 feet above sea level.
Now the lowest point in Wake County is located about a half of a mile southeast of the city of Shotwell. It's where Marks Creek flows into Johnston County and is about 160 feet above sea.
The geographic center of Wake County is in Raleigh, right near Broughton High School.
Wake County's population grows by around 86 people per day. Raleigh and Cary are the 9th & 10th fastest growing cities in the United States in 2012.
In 2010, Wake County had over 900,000 people living here, according to the Census. The projected population of Wake County is that by 2013 we will have 983,367 people and by 2014 we will zoom up to 1,008,719.
Raleigh was founded in 1792 as North Carolina's capital city. It was named for Sir Walter Raleigh who tried to establish the first English colony in the new world in the 1580s.
The city of Raleigh is the only state capital that was planned and established by a state as the seat of state government.
Andrew Johnson, the 17th president, was born in Raleigh, in 1808.
So there you have it, in a nutshell, or appropriately for Raleigh, and acorn shell:-). You can amaze and impress your friends by just whipping out a couple of quick Raleigh Facts!
Oh, and by the way, Raleigh is the best place to live in North Carolina! We love it here. If you have any interest in moving to North Carolina, find out everything you need to know about Raleigh Real Estate from a couple of great Top Realtors in Raleigh, That would be Us:-)
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