Raleigh FSBO (For Sale By Owner) Headaches Experienced by Raleigh For Sale by Owners
As you drive around town you are bound to see homes in Raleigh "for sale by owner". Does that really work? Are Raleigh Homes for sale by owner selling in today's market?
Well, some of them are, but it can be a very time consuming and tricky thing. You really have to know what you're doing.
If you're considering the Raleigh Home For Sale By Owner route, you may want to look over just a few of the problems experienced by others who have tried.
1. Many people LOVE looking at homes. When they want something fun to do or need some new decorating ideas - they are off to look at houses. Often For Sale By Owner homes get a lot of Window Shoppers.
2. People feel that For Sale by Owner (FSBO) sellers have their house available at any time. No appointment needed - (no matter what the sign says!). People just come up and knock on your door any old time. They want to see your Raleigh for sale by owner home, now.
3. Missing the mark on pricing your Raleigh home can be very costly. You can either leave money on the table or never sell it because it is priced too high. FSBOs rarely have all the necessary information to property price their home.
4. How do you know if a person is qualified to buy your home? A Realtor will require that a potential buyer is pre-approved.
5. Safety is an issue. You're letting people into your home when you are there who you do not know. They are going through your home and seeing your things and your family pictures. You'll probably have no record of who they are - this can be a dangerous situation. Are you safe?
6. Raleigh Realtors negotiate with buyers and Sellers all the time. They're trained and have experience in THE most important aspect in the sale of your home.
7. There are literally dozens of forms, disclosures, and documents that are use as part of the selling packet. They are used in part to protect you as a seller and in part to protect the buyer. Lawsuits can be won years later because the documents were not completed correctly or missing. Are you sure you know everything that needs to be done?
8. For Sale by Owner Buyers are looking for a deal. They want to get your home for lower than someone who is working with an agent would. They will always use that lever to negotiate down further.
9. Many Buyers don't like dealing with owners because they are afraid of the liability and possible pit falls because something wasn't done right. They want to have professionals representing them and negotiating their best interest.
10. Most home owners do not have the recourses or the knowledge to adequately market a home.
11. Statistics support that about 80% of "For Sale By Owners" will eventually turn their house over to a Realtor to market and sell anyway.
Sometimes selling a home looks easy so it makes sense to try selling your own home. However there is a great deal that goes on behind the scenes that takes specific training, knowledge and experience to get the job done correctly.
A Realtor is your best bet to avoid these and other headaches.
Other things to consider when selling your Raleigh home are Raleigh Seller Closing Costs, Raleigh Sellers - Curb Your Appeal and Pricing your Home to Sell.
If you have questions about Raleigh FSBOs or any Raleigh Homes
Email Us or Call Us Today at 919-280-2726
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