Purchasing a Raleigh Home Tips on Negotiating With a Seller
1. Always make sure your Raleigh Real Estate agent puts your offer and all counter-offers in writing. It is more "real" to the seller. You can never assume that a verbal contract in real estate is enforceable.
2. In North Carolina Real Estate it takes "one to buy and two to sell". Make sure your agent includes the names of all of the owners on the contract.
If there's been a marital separation or divorce this can get tricky. But, all names must appear unless there is a legal binder that is in play.
Make sure that the offer is presented to all owners. One owner may agree to the contract, but does not mean that the other owner will.
3. When deciding how much to put up in earnest money, make sure you choose an amount that will let the seller know you are sincere about your offer.
4. If you're purchasing any of the seller's personal property make sure it is in the sales contract and that you ask for a bill of sale.
5. It is very unlikely that a Raleigh seller will respond with a serious counter-offer to an extremely low initial offer.
You'll have a truer idea of what a seller will really accept if you make a fair offer first.
Look carefully at the information your Raleigh Realtor provides you abut the current sales of homes that are comparable to the one you are thinking of buying. This includes new construction homes also!
6. Pre-approval is very important. Most all Raleigh home sellers require a pre-approval or a pre-qualifying letter with an offer.
A pre-approval letter will give you a loan commitment from a lender subject to an appraisal on the home. This is important in negotiating because it lets the sellers know you are able to buy their home.
7. If you haven't seen a copy of the Raleigh Property Disclosure Statement before writing an offer, include a provision that allows you to see, review, and approve it.
8. Once you are sure you want to write an Offer on a Home in Raleigh, do it immediately. You'll stand a better chance of getting a more favorable agreement if you are not in a multiple offers situation.
9. People usually find it is difficult to negotiate a Raleigh Home Purchase. That's why having a Raleigh Realtor negotiate for you is important.
As Raleigh Realtors we can present your offer in the best light and will probably be able to say things that the homeowner haven't thought of or considered.
In addition, having an agent represent you de-personalizes the process. This considerably improves the atmosphere during the negotiating process.
10. We can help you discover what may be important for the seller and then give it to them in trade for something else. For example, if you know closing a few weeks later would help the seller, maybe we can trade that for a lower price.
11. If you are buying a property "as is", make sure your agent includes a clause in the offer that allows for home inspections.
12. If you, your spouse, or partner is not in town, have a power of attorney, specific to the purchase, prepared to allow one of you to sign for the other. This can make negotiating a contract much more rapid and efficient.
Other things to consider when buying a Raleigh home are 7 Things Raleigh Home Buyers Should Know, Learning About Your New Neighborhood and House Hunting With Kids.
If you have questions about any aspect of buying property in Raleigh or any Homes In Raleigh,
Email Us or Call Us Today at 919-280-2726
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