Learning About Your New Neighborhood
When you are narrowing your search for your new home, it is a good idea to learn if the neighborhood is suitable for you.
How Does the Neighborhood Look
Drive around the neighborhood you are considering buying into. Is it well groomed? Are the homes maintained and the lawns in good shape? How about the common areas - are they neat and clean?
How a neighborhood looks can affect the property values and the re-sale appeal of the homes. Be sure and look around the entire neighborhood not just the street with your home.
Neighborly Neighbors
If you have specific interests you may want to look and see if neighbors seem to share those interests.
If you like to walk in the evening - do you see others strolling around? If you like to take your kids to the play area do you see others with their children there? If you are a gardener, do you see others out working in the yards? Whatever your interests are - do you see others who possibly share those interests.
One good way to do this is to say hello to people you see out in the neighborhood. Let them tell you about the ins and outs of the neighborhood. People are always delighted to share their opinion.
Noise Alert
Walk around you potential new neighborhood at different times during the day and evening. How is the noise level for you? Is it too loud or is it perhaps too quiet? Are the weekends the same noise level as the weekdays?
Weekend Warriors
It's always a good idea to check out the neighborhood on the weekend and the weekend evenings. Is there a nice atmosphere that you respond to and can see yourself relaxing in and enjoying yourself?
Playing and Shopping
How is the local park or shopping center? Do they have all the things you want or need? If they do great - if not - how far away are those things or services that you want?
Monday Morning
How is the traffic from your potential new neighborhood to where you work? Drive to and from the neighborhood during rush hour or the times you need to be on the road.
There are many factors that make a neighborhood work for you. Identify the important aspect for your life and see how the potential new home neighborhood works for you.
Other things to consider when buying a Raleigh home are 7 Things Raleigh Home Buyers Should Know, Tips on Negotiating With a Seller and House Hunting With Kids.
If you have questions about your New Raleigh Neighborhood or any Raleigh Homes
Email Us or Call Us Today at 919-280-2726
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