Buying a Raleigh Home The Final Walk Through
What Not to Miss on Your Final Walk Through
Before your Raleigh home closing, you and your Raleigh real estate agent will do a Final Walk through of your new home.
You are looking to see that the home is in the same condition as when you made your offer to buy it. You are also checking to see that all the agreed on repairs have been done.
This is not the time to think about where you will put your stuff. This is all about the the condition of the house. It is the last time you have to to make sure that the home you are buying is in the condition you agreed to.
Here's a helpful list of what not to overlook for on your Final Walk Through.
Check to see that:
• There are no major changes to the home since you last saw it.
• The agreed on repairs have been done. Your Raleigh Realtor should have copies of the paid repair bills and any warranties for the repaired items.
• All the things that are suppose to stay in the house - draperies, lighting fixtures, appliances, etc. - are still there.
• No plants, shrubs or outdoor lighting fixtures have been removed from the yard.
• The garage door openers (most people have more than one) and any other remotes are left in the home or will be brought to the closing.
• All the seller's stuff is gone and all the trash has been removed. Check the basement, attic, and every room, closet, crawlspace, and any outbuildings.
• The home is in "broom clean" condition.
Make sure you do a Final Walk Through. This is your last chance to make sure you are buying what you agreed to buy.
Take your time. If there are any issues or questions, have your Raleigh Realtor contact the seller's agent to address them before the closing occurs.
Other things to consider when buying a Raleigh home are 7 Things Raleigh Home Buyers Should Know, Learning About Your New Raleigh Neighborhood and Questions You Need to Ask a Raleigh Realtor
If you have questions about buying a home in Raleigh or any Raleigh Homes
Email Us or Call Us Today at 919-280-2726
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