Moving From Raleigh After The Move . . . Now What!?
1. Your Drivers License and License Plates:
• If you are moving out of state: get a new state Drivers License.
• If you are moving within the state: change your address on your existing driver's license. N.C Department of Motor Vehicles
2. Make sure all your insurance policies are transferred and review them to see if any updating is needed ~ household, auto and health.
If you are moving to a different state make sure you check to see if there are any changes that are required.
3. Register to vote or update your voter registration with your new address.
For in state or within Raleigh moves:
North Carolina State Board of Elections
4. Register your children for their new school.
For within Raleigh moves: Raleigh Schools Main Page
5. Find out when your trash and garbage is picked up and whether there is a re-cycling program available.
For within Raleigh moves:
Wake County Recycling and Solid Waste
6. Get a subscription to your local paper. This will help you to quickly get up to speed on what's happening in your new city.
7. Make sure all you medical histories have been transferred to you new care takers.
8. Make a list of your new emergency numbers such as fire, ambulance, police, hospital, poison control, and the like so they will be available and handy if you need them.
9. Check with your new post office to see if any mail is being held. Ask for your delivery to start.
10. Find where your favorite "treat" shop is ~ Starbucks's, Ice Cream, Doughnut, ~ name your poison ~ and then get your self a goodie for doing such a great job!
11. Recognize that the move can be very stressful on people and that you should be considerate of your family members and yourself.
Remember, We can help you with many of these items, especially if you are staying in the Raleigh area.
We can help you find professional service providers in Raleigh and provide information on homes, mortgages, employment opportunities, schools, entertainment, sports, and lots of other things.
Other things to consider with your Raleigh move are Deducting Your Raleigh Moving Expenses, Helping Your Children Move and Packing Tips and Tricks.
If you have questions about a Raleigh move or any Homes In Raleigh,
Email Us or Call Us Today at 919-280-2726
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