Raleigh Buyer Tour Raleigh Subdivision Tour
It's An Afternoon of Fun.
Raleigh Buyer Tour
Not sure where in the world to live in Raleigh or the surrounding areas? Let's look around! The Raleigh Buyers Tour is like the Goodyear Blimp Tour - just on the ground.
This is an overview of a variety of Raleigh Subdivisions and areas. A Raleigh Buyer Subdivision Tour is a a lot of fun and it usually takes 3 or 4 hours.
We customize it to fit your needs, curiosity, and time limits, but we usually ask that you have at least 2 hours. This will give you time for an informative look at the area.
We'll have a group of Raleigh neighborhoods for you to see that are based on our discussions with you about what you are looking for in a home and its location.
We'll be looking at only a "representative" group of subdivisions to give you a better idea of the area and how it relates to your needs.
This Raleigh tour is a preliminary overview. We want to make sure we have selected the types of neighborhoods and homes you are interested in.
Our first goal is to see a few subdivisions so that you can pick out two or three that you like. Then, our goal is to pick out two or three styles of homes that you like.
Once we have that down we can better focus our search on homes that could be perfect for you. Of course if we find The Perfect Address you could say: "Let's Make An Offer!" You would be surprised how often it happens!
As we go through the tour here are a few things to keep in mind.
1. Take notes - lots of notes in your "home book". After looking at several homes they all begin to run together.
2. Bring a camera (see reason #1) After several homes they all begin to run together.
3. Give us feedback tell us what you like and what you don't like. This helps us get a better "feel" for what's important to you.
4. Ask Questions we know some of the answer but not all of them - if we don't know the answer, we will get it for you.
After our tour is over we will go over the day and see if we can see what we learned. We also discuss our plan for what happens next.
Here are some questions that we usually address:
1.What did you like best of what you saw today?
2. Do we need to change any of our search parameters?
3. Would you like to see homes in some of these areas tomorrow?
4. Did you see " The Perfect Address" for you? Do you want to make an offer on it?
5. How can we help you next?
We hope your tour will be fun and informative and that you get lots of information! You will think of questions when you get home - just call us - we are delighted to answer them.
Other things to consider when buying a Raleigh home are 7 Things Raleigh Home Buyers Should Know, Learning About Your New Raleigh Neighborhood and Tips on Negotiating With a Raleigh Seller.
If you have questions about The Raleigh Buyer Tour or any Raleigh Homes
Email Us or Call Us Today at 919-280-2726
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