Raleigh Address Change Changing Your Address To Raleigh
If you are buying a home in Raleigh and are looking to change to your new Raleigh Address - it is simple. Here is information about setting your Mail forwarding to Raleigh.
Mail Forwarding can be set up from anywhere. You need to use the Change of Address Form available at any Post Office or online.
If every member of your household has the same last name and he or she is all moving to the same address, you only need one Change of Address form.
If there is more than one last name in the household, each person must submit his or her own Change of Address form.
To make sure that your mail delivery is not interrupted, the Change of Address form should be submitted at least 30 days before your move date.
You may not have that much lead time so submit it at least as soon as you know when you will move and the new address.
The form has a "Start Date" which sets when the post office begins forwarding your mail to the new Raleigh address. It should take about three to five days for your mail to be forwarded to your new address.
Be sure and notify everyone who sends you mail that you have changed your address. This includes:
• your family member - near and far (check your holiday list),
• friends,
• credit card companies,
• banks,
• insurance companies,
• your doctors and dentists,
• any magazines you subscribe to,
• your alumni association, and
• any employers you have had that will need to send you tax information.
You can get notification postcards from the post office.
Most mail will be forwarded for a year at no charge. Third class mail will be forwarded only if the sender requests it specifically.
Other things to consider when buying a Raleigh home are 7 Things Raleigh Home Buyers Should Know, Learning About Your New Neighborhood and Tips on Negotiating With a Seller.
If you have questions about changing your address in Raleigh or any Raleigh Homes For Sale,
Email Us or Call Us Today at 919-280-2726
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