Raleigh Home Buyer Don't Facebook & Don't Twitter
Buying a home in Raleigh is an exciting and nervous time. You find the home you really, really, really want. Now you want to show your friends, get their opinions, talk about your offer and on and on. . .
In Real Estate knowledge is power. The negotiation of the purchase and all that it entails is a very crucial. When you post about your excitement for new home - before the negotiations are over - you can be giving away your power at the negotiation table.
Once something is on Facebook or Twitter it is information for the world. All a seller's agent has to do is do a search for the buyer on Facebook and it's all there.
These are some of the things we have seen on Facebook and Twitter:
• "I'll die if I don't get this house."
• "This is my dream house."
• "We've been staying with a friend for a month - we need this house."
• "This house is right across the street from Mary's house - yeah!"
• "Dave is still commuting from New York - we haven't sold our home yet!"
• "I hope the seller takes my offer I don't want to have to pay more even though I could."
• "We asked for closing cost but are going to use it for new drapes."
Don't shoot yourself and your agent in the foot!
The Raleigh seller will consider this information when deciding to accept your offer or counter offer with a higher price. Statements like these give information about a buyer's motivation for a home, how much money they will have available, when they need it, and other things that a buyer does not want a seller to know.
Wait until all the inspections done, all the papers signed, and you've closed on the home, before you tweet it to the world.
Other things to consider when buying a Raleigh home are 7 Things Raleigh Home Buyers Should Know, Learning About Your New Neighborhood and Tips on Negotiating With a Seller.
If you have questions about Marketing a Raleigh home or any Homes In Raleigh,
Email Us or Call Us Today at 919-280-2726
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