Raleigh Home Buyer Oh No - I forgot . . .
The last box is finally set down in your new Raleigh home, you pause to catch your breath, turn to each other and say . . .
Oh No - I forgot . . .
Here are a few of the more common things which are forgotten in a move:
Hidden Treasure
Often we have that little thing or things that we squirreled away somewhere. We put it out of sight so that we can keep it safe or near us. It could be a personal treasure or something of monetary value. Be sure to tell everyone in the house that if they have any "hidden treasures" they need to pack them up to go to your new home.
Taken to the Cleaners
Remember to pick up anything you have at the cleaners, shoe repair, tailors, or jewelers.
Something Borrowed
Before you start packing up, look through the house, attic, garage, and basement to see if you have anything you have borrowed from a friend or neighbor. Also look for any library books or videos that need to be returned.
Open Sesame
The garage door opener - the number one thing that people forget to leave! Check all of the cars for the garage door openers - people usually have more than one. These should go with you to your Raleigh closing for your old home.
You will get new garage openers for your new home in Raleigh. Be sure to re-program your new garage openers to your own code.
Keys to the Castle
People usually remember to turn in their keys - but don't forget the keys you gave to grandma, your neighbor, or your cleaning lady. Also remember the one you put under the back porch or in the third brick from the right in the front left planter.
When you get to your new home make sure you re-key all the locks - just in case the previous owners also forgot to retrieve their keys from someone.
Ring - Ring
Take along your old phone book - the one with all the dog-eared pages. You may need to call a company or person from your previous area. That phone book can really come in handy in case you forget any of the things listed above.
Enjoy your Raleigh move and remember to check everything.
Other things to consider when buying a Raleigh home are 7 Things Raleigh Home Buyers Should Know, Learning About Your New Raleigh Neighborhood and Tips on Negotiating With a Raleigh Seller.
If you have questions about buying a Raleigh Home or information on any Raleigh Homes
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