Raleigh Home Buyers ~ Video Your Belongings!
Video Your Belongings soon after your move to Raleigh is complete and all your stuff is out of boxes.
If your camera doesn't have a video function, pictures are just fine - as long has you have some visual record.
Be sure to use the Audio option, if you have one, so you can describe your things as you go.
The reason to make a video record of all of you household possessions is just in case you have a fire or a break-in you will have an easy way to identify things missing. If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video with sound has to be worth ten thousand.
Have your kids help you and make it a fun project. One person can hold the camera and the kids can identify stuff as the recording is happening. Describe each piece as you go along.
If things have a serial number, series number or other identifying marks, be sure to say what it is or video it (including the serial number of your video camera!).
Open all closet doors to show what there and briefly describe the contents. This will be incredibly helpful if you need it later. Often you don't miss something for months after you make the report because you don't use it very often and it's "out of sight - out of mind".
Once the video has been made, store it outside your home or make a second copy and put one copy in either a safety deposit box, at work or give it to a friend or relative for safe keeping.
Don't worry about being a big-time producer. You're not looking to win an Oscar. It's there just to protect your possessions from loss. This can be a pain but make it a game and have fun doing it.
Other things to consider when buying a Raleigh home are 7 Things Raleigh Home Buyers Should Know, Learning About Your New Neighborhood and Tips on Negotiating With a Seller.
If you have questions about Moving to Raleigh or any Homes In Raleigh,
Email Us or Call Us Today at 919-280-2726
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